PLA research model

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) & Research-Based Degree Model

Recognizing Experience, Advancing Knowledge

At Eldermont University, we believe that education extends beyond the classroom. Our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) +
Thesis/Dissertation model acknowledges and values the knowledge, skills, and experience students have acquired through
professional work, independent study, ministry leadership, certifications, and research.

This approach allows students to demonstrate academic mastery and accelerate degree completion while maintaining high academic standards rooted in faith-based scholarship and practical application.

What is Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)?

PLA is a structured, globally recognized method of assessing a student’s prior learning experiences and awarding academic credit
based on verifiable knowledge and expertise. Instead of requiring students to repeat what they already know, PLA allows them to
apply their existing knowledge toward a degree.

How is Prior Learning Assessed?
Students seeking Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degrees at Eldermont University undergo a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
process that evaluates their:

This comprehensive review ensures that students receive credit for prior learning, allowing them to focus on producing a thesis
(Bachelor’s & Master’s) or dissertation (Doctoral) as their primary academic requirement.

A Globally Recognized Approach

Many universities and higher education systems worldwide recognize PLA and experiential learning under various frameworks:
United States & Canada – Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), or Competency-Based Learning.
Europe – Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE) in France, Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) in the UK, and
equivalent systems under the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Australia & New Zealand – Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Asia & Africa – Various adaptations of prior learning recognition integrated into competency-based education models.
PLA is not a shortcut or an alternative to academic study—it is a rigorous process aligned with global higher education standards

Selinus University is globally accredited by the WCI (World Certification Institute), a leading global certifying body that grants credential awards to individuals besides accrediting educational institutions and organizations. The WCI accredits courses and study programs delivered by universities, colleges, schools, professional institutions and training companies.

How PLA Works at Eldermont University

Every student, regardless of degree level, must complete a PLA evaluation as part of the application process.
PLA Requirements by Degree Level

Degree Level PLA Requirement Required Submission
Comprehensive PLA Portfolio(detailed below)
Resume/CV + Proof of Prior Degrees & Certifications
Doctoral Degree
Resume/CV + Proof of Prior Degrees & Certifications

Thesis & Dissertation Requirement

At Eldermont University, academic degrees are earned through demonstrated knowledge, research, and practical application.

What is the Purpose of a Thesis/Dissertation?

Degree Credit Allocation (PLA + Thesis/Dissertation)

The combination of PLA credits + a final thesis/dissertation ensures that students meet the required academic standards for degree

Degree Level PLA Credits Thesis/Dissertation Credits Total Credits Required
Bachelor’s Degrees
90 PLA Credits
30-Credit Thesis
120 Credits
Master’s Degrees
30 PLA Credits
30-Credit Thesis
60 Credits
Doctoral Degree
30 PLA Credits
30-Credit Dissertation
60 Credits

This structure allows students to leverage their prior knowledge while completing an academically rigorous research project.

Why Ch s E d m t U v s ty’s PLA + s h-Based Model?

Eldermont University provides a structured, faith-integrated education model designed for working professionals, ministry leaders,
and lifelong learners.

How to Get Started

Step 1: Apply & Submit PLA Documentation

* Complete the online application.
* Submit your PLA Portfolio (Bachelor’s) or Resume/CV (Master’s & Doctorate) with supporting documents.
* Pay the Application & PLA Fee ($150).

Step 2: Receive PLA Evaluation & Degree Plan

*Admissions will review your submission and notify you of the approved PLA credits.
* You will receive degree completion requirements based on your evaluation. .

Step 3: Enroll & Begin Research

* Select your thesis/dissertation topic.
* Work with faculty advisors to develop your research project.
* Submit your thesis/dissertation for academic review.

Step 4: Graduate & Earn Your Degree

*Once approved, you will receive official degree certification.
*Your degree will be recognized as faith-based, professional, and academic credentialing. .

Final Thoughts: The Value of PLA

The PLA + Research-Based Model at Eldermont University is not a shortcut—it is an academically rigorous approach that allows
students to demonstrate their knowledge, faith, and expertise.

If you have professional experience, theological training, or independent research that has shaped your expertise, why start over?
* Apply your knowledge.
* Research what matters.
* Earn a degree that reflects your calling.

Start Your Journey Today!
Click below to apply and begin your faith-based academic journey at Eldermont University.

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