Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) & Thesis/Dissertation Overview -PUBLIC FACING

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Earn Your Degree Faster with Recognized Prior Learning and Research

At Eldermont University (EU), we recognize the value of professional experience, independent learning, and prior education. Our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) + Thesis/Dissertation Modelallows students to earn a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree faster by demonstrating subject mastery through real-world experience and academic research.

How the PLA + Research Model Works

✅Step 1: Submit Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Portfolio
Bachelor’s students submit a comprehensive portfolioshowcasing professional experience, certifications, prior coursework, and independent studies.
• Master’s & Doctoral students submit an academic CV, transcripts, and supporting documentationto validate their expertise.

✅Step 2: Develop a Thesis or Dissertation
B h ’s st d tscomplete a research-based thesis(minimum 20,000 words).
• M st ’s st d tscomplete a m st ’s th s s(minimum 25,000 words).
• Doctoral studentscomplete an original dissertation(minimum 25,000 words) that contributes to their field.

✅Step 3: Submit for Evaluation & Graduation Approval
Research is reviewed by the academic committee to ensure originality, scholarly rigor, and faith-based integration.
• Upon approval, students receive their degree and diploma, officially recognizing their expertise and contributions.

Accelerated Degree Completion –Earn Your Degree in as Little as 90 Days

Eldermont University offers a flexible, self-paced study modeldesigned for working professionals, ministry leaders, and experienced individuals seeking to earn their degree efficiently.

Through our PLA + Research-Based Model, students can accelerate their degree completionand graduate in as little as 90 days, depending on their dedication to research and writing.

Typical Degree Completion Timelines:
✔ Bachelor’s Degree 6–12 months (Accelerated: 90–180 days)
✔ M st ’s D 6–12 months (Accelerated: 90–180 days)
✔Doctorate Degree:6–12 months (Accelerated: 90–180 days)

How to Fast-Track Your Degree:

✅Maximize PLA credit for prior learning, work experience, and academic achievements.
✅Dedicate full-time effort to thesis or dissertation research and writing.
✅Leverage university resources, including faculty mentorship and research tools.
✅Submit a high-quality thesis or dissertation that meets academic standards.

Want to get started?

Apply Nowto begin your PLA evaluation
Learn Moreabout our research-based approach

PLA & Thesis/Dissertation Guide -Full Version

FULL VERSION -NOT PUBLIC FACING (available in student portal)

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) & Thesis/Dissertation Guide

Eldermont University offers an accelerated, research-based degree completion model through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) and Thesis/Dissertation submission. This model provides students with the opportunity to earn Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees by demonstrating academic, professional, and experiential knowledge in their field of study.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Guide

The PLA processevaluates an individual’s professional experience, prior education, certifications, training, publications, and other academic equivalenciesfor credit toward degree completion.

PLA Requirements by Degree Level

Degree Level PLA Requirement Required Submission
Comprehensive PLA Portfolio (detailed below)
Detailed CV/Resume + Proof of Prior Degrees & Certifications
Doctoral Degree
Detailed CV/Resume + Proof of Prior Degrees & Certifications

PLA is required for all students and serves as a critical component in meeting the credit hour requirements for each degree program.
PLA P tf q m ts (F B h ’s D )
Bachelor’s degree students must submit a comprehensive PLA portfolio, addressing the following criteria:
List all employment positions(job title, employer, dates of employment).
1. List all formal education(schools attended, graduation dates).
2. List all diplomas and degrees earned(official transcripts required for validation).
3. List all professional certificationsobtained.
4. List all seminars, training programs, and workshopsattended.
5. List any military training and service experience.
6. Provide details of on-the-job trainingand specialized skills.
7. List any public speaking engagements, presentations, or lectures.
8. Document church/ministry leadership experience(pastoral roles, ministry work, theological training).
9. Provide a record of teaching experience(academic, corporate, or ministry-related).
10. Detail any published works, research papers, or books.
11. Outline any awards, commendations, or recognitionsreceived.
12. List membership in professional, academic, or religious organizations.
13. Highlight volunteer experience and community service.
14. Provide an updated resume/CVsummarizing career and academic experience.
15. Provide an updated resume/CVsummarizing career and academic experience.

PLA Submissions For Master's & Doctoral Degree 

Since Master’s and Doctoral students have already earned prior academic credentials, they will not need to complete a full PLA portfolio. However, the following documents are required for evaluation:

1. A Detailed and Comprehensive Resume/CV, including:
All professional work experience, job roles, and leadership positions.

â—‹ Educational background, including degrees and certifications.
â—‹ Research, publications, and academic contributions.
â—‹ Teaching, ministry, consulting, or other specialized work.
â—‹ Any other relevant qualifications.

2. Proof of Prior Education, including:

â—‹ Bachelor’s degree transcript (for master’s application )
â—‹ Master degree transcript(for Doctoral applicants).
â—‹ Copies of certifications, licenses, and relevant credentials

3. Supplementary Documentation(if applicable):
â—‹ Research articles, professional presentations, books, or training materials authored by the student.
â—‹ Evidence of advanced study, leadership, or professional contributions.
○ Each Master’s and Doctoral applicant will be evaluated based on these documents to assign PLA creditstoward degree completion

Degree Credit Allocation (PLA + Thesis/Dissertation)

Degree Level PLA Credits Thesis/Dissertation Credits Total Credits Required
Bachelor’s Degrees
90 PLA Credits
30-Credit Bachelor’s Thesis
120 Credits
Master’s Degrees
30 PLA Credits
30-Credit Master’s Thesis
60 Credits
Doctoral Degree
30 PLA Credits
30-Credit Doctoral Dissertation
60 Credits

Thesis & Dissertation Requirements

All degree candidates must complete an original research thesis (Bachelor’s and Master’s) or dissertation (Doctoral) demonstrating comprehensive knowledge in their field of study.

Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines

Eldermont University upholds rigorous yet flexible academic standards for thesis and dissertation submissions, ensuring a balance between scholarly excellence and practical application. As part of its research-based degree programs, students are required to complete a thesis (for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees) or a dissertation (for Doctoral degrees) as a capstone project. These projects emphasize independent study, critical analysis, and the integration of faith-based principles with advanced research and subject mastery.

General Research Requirements

Minimum Number of References (Scholarly Books, Periodicals, and Articles):
B h ’s Th s s 20 scholarly references + 15 Bible references
M st ’s Th s s 20 scholarly references + 15 Bible references
Doctoral Dissertation: 30 scholarly references + 15 Bible references

Biblical Research Requirement:
The 66 books of the Bible are fully recognized as primary references for research.
Biblical references must be relevant and properly cited.

B h ’s Th s s q m ts
✅Minimum Length: 40 pages (single-spaced) OR 80 pages (double-spaced)
✅Minimum Word Count: 20,000 words
✅Research Focus: Must demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills in the student’s major.

M st ’s Th s s q m ts
✅Minimum Length: 50 pages (single-spaced) OR 100 pages (double-spaced)
✅Minimum Word Count: 25,000 words

✅Research Focus: Must exhibit a deeper level of scholarly research, data analysis, and critical evaluation.

Doctoral Dissertation Requirements
✅Minimum Length: 50 pages (single-spaced) OR 100 pages (double-spaced)
✅Minimum Word Count:25,000 words
✅Research Focus: Must present an original academic contribution to the field of study, integrating faith-based and scholarly

Thesis/Dissertation Submission Requirements
All thesis and dissertation submissions at Eldermont University must adhere to the following structured format to ensure academic integrity, scholarly excellence, and practical application.

1. Title Page
Must include the official degree program, thesis/dissertation title, student’s name, Eldermont University’s name, and the submission date.
2. Abstract
A concise summary (150-300 words) outlining the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and significance of the study.
3. Table of Contents
A well-organized breakdown of all chapters, sections, and subtopics with corresponding page numbers.
4. Introduction
Provides an overview of the research topic, its significance, objectives, and how the study contributes to the field.
Clearly defines the research problem, scope, and expected outcomes.
5. Literature Review
A critical analysis of existing scholarly research, theories, and supporting evidence related to the topic.
Identifies gaps in the literature and establishes the foundation for the research.
6. Methodology
Detailed explanation of the research approach, design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.
Justification for selected methodologies and how they align with research objectives.
7. Findings & Discussion
Presentation of research results, including qualitative or quantitative data analysis.
Interpretation of findings, comparison with existing literature, and discussion of implications.
8. Conclusion
Summarizes key findings, evaluates research contributions, and provides recommendations.
Highlights practical applications and potential areas for future research.
9. Bibliography/References
Must meet the following minimum reference requirements:
B h ’s Th s s 20 scholarly references + 15 biblical references.
M st ’s Th s s 20 scholarly references + 15 biblical references.
Doctoral Dissertation:30 scholarly references + 15 biblical references.
The 66 books of the Bible qualify as primary references for research in faith-based studies.
Proper citation format (APA, Turabian, or Chicago) must be followed.
10. Appendices (If Applicable)
Includes supporting materials such as charts, figures, surveys, interview transcripts, or additional documentation relevant to the research.

Note:All submissions must be formatted professionally with proper grammar, spelling, and citation accuracy. Failure to meet the minimum academic standards may result in revisions or resubmission requirements.

Accelerated Degree Completion

Eldermont University offers a flexible, self-paced study model designed for working professionals, ministry leaders, and experienced individuals who seek to earn their degree efficiently while demonstrating their knowledge, expertise, and research proficiency.

Degree Completion Timeline

Through our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) and research-based approach, students can complete their degree in an accelerated timeframe, with the possibility of earning their degree in as little as 90 days.

B h ’s D C mp t : Typically 6-12 months (Accelerated: 90-180 days).
M st ’s D C mp t : Typically 6-12 months (Accelerated: 90-180 days).
Doctoral Degree Completion: Typically 6-24 months (Accelerated: 90-180 days).

How to Earn Your Degree in as Little as 90 Days

Students may accelerate their degree completion by:
Maximizing PLA credit for prior learning, work experience, and academic achievements.
1. Dedicating full-time effort to thesis or dissertation research and writing.
2. Leveraging university resources, including faculty mentorship, research tools, and online libraries.
3. Submitting a well-structured, high-quality thesis or dissertation that meets all academic standards.
4. Eldermont University provides a streamlined process for motivated students to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in their field while earning their degree quickly, affordably, and efficiently.

Accreditation & Recognition

Eldermont University operates as a private, faith-based institutionand seeks accreditation from recognized religious and international accreditation bodies. The university does not participate in U.S. Department of Education accreditation or Title IV financial aid programs.

Disclosure Policy

• Degrees issued by Eldermont University are intended for faith-based, professional, and ministerial purposes.
• Recognition of credits and degrees is at the discretion of the receiving institution or employer.
• Eldermont University does not guarantee employment, licensing, or transferability of credits to other institutions.

Legal Disclaimer

Eldermont University is a private, religious educational institution. It is registered as an LLC in Delawareand operates under religious higher education laws. Students are responsible for verifying degree applicability for employment, licensure, or further education.

Next Steps

C mp t th PLA P tf (B h ’s) bm t s m /CV (M st ’s & D t ) w th pp t D m ts.
1. Choose a Research Topic(For Thesis/Dissertation submission).
2. Submit Application & Enrollment Fee.
3. Work with Faculty Advisorsto structure research and writing.
4. Complete Degree Program & Receive Final Approval.
5. For further details, contact Eldermont University Admissions Office.